

Waking up without any sort of idea or plan of what you would like to achieve is similar to getting into a taxi without a destination….youjust end up going around but not actually getting anywhere (although you may have some interesting adventures). Also if you do have an idea about what you want to do the night before or in the morning, you might forget if you have nothing to refer to.
By writing what you want to get done the daybefore (i.e. plan your day in advance), it gives you more direction at the beginning of your day and you will have something to refer back to throughout the day if you feel “off course”.
“The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen .” – Lee Iacocca.

Have you ever had a moment when you had an inspired idea from something that just happened to you? or just had a thought about something and you think you will comeback to it later? (I know I have) Then when it comes to later on, you’ve already forgotten about it or got distracted by something else so that idea was totally wasted.
By carrying a small notebook with you at all times you can just jot down ideas and thoughts is good for you to refer to later, expand on and put into action.
“Paper is to write things down that we need to remember. Our brains are used to think.” – Albert Einstein

It’s good to write in it when things are going good (easy to list and can read back on) and also good to write in when things are going bad (forces you to change perspective to a positive one). It’s not always easy when things are going bad but by forcing the change in perspective, it can help you see a solution to some challenges in your life .

Let me know if anything isn’t working, or if you’re unhappy with any of the changes. Stay tuned for some more dramatic and useful changes in the near future!

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